Tudor Wind Musical Instruments

King Henry VIII - Tudor Wind Musical Instruments

Picture of King Henry VIII


Tudor Wind Musical Instruments

  • Interesting Facts and information about Tudor Wind Musical Instruments
  • List of Tudor Wind musical instruments
  • Definition and description of Tudor Wind musical instruments
  • List of the types of wind Instrument used in the Sixteenth century

Tudor Wind Musical Instruments

Tudor Wind Musical Instruments
Tudor musical instruments were used in various combinations which provided the Tudors with the opportunity to create unusual and creative music, a forerunner to the modern orchestra. Their collection of Wind musical instruments included the musical instruments from the Medieval period together with the musical instruments which emerged during the Tudor period. Wind instruments consist of a tube containing a column of air which is set into vibration by the player blowing into, or over, a mouthpiece set into the end of the tube. The pitch is determined by the length of the tube and hence the length of the vibrating column of air.

Tudor Music - Tudor Wind Instruments
The collection of Tudor Wind instruments included the musical instruments from the Medieval period together with the musical instruments which emerged during the Tudor era. There were many Wind Tudor Musical Instruments.  The following list of Tudor Wind instruments is not exhaustive but contains the majority of the wind category of Instruments:

  • The Flute - The Flute is a high-pitched musical instrument, held horizontally by the musician and played by blowing across a hole
  • The Trumpet - The trumpet is a long instrument made of metal, often in four parts
  • The Pipe - The pipe is a simple instrument usually having only three melody holes
  • The Shawm - The shawm was a reed instrument with vent holes - a predecessor to the hautboy
  • The Hautboy - The hautboy sounded through a reed, similar to the modern oboe
  • Recorder - The recorder is a simple instrument with melody holes
  • The Bagpipe - The Bagpipe was an ancient instrument, used by the poorest people and was made using a goat or sheep skin and a reed pipe
  • The Crumhorn - The crumhorm (Curved Horn) was introduced in the 15th century as a double reed musical instrument
  • The Gemshorn - The gemshorn was made of an ox born as a flute-like musical instrument
  • The Lizard - The lizard was an s-shaped horn
  • The Sackbutt - the sackbutt was an ancestor of the modern trombone

Tudor Wind Musical Instruments
Each section of this Tudors website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about Tudor Wind Musical Instruments. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Tudors!

Tudor Wind Musical Instruments

  • Interesting Facts and information about Tudor Wind Musical Instruments
  • List of Tudor Wind musical instruments
  • Definition and description of Tudor Wind musical instruments
  • List of the types of wind Instrument used in the Sixteenth century

Tudor Wind Musical Instruments

Sixteenth Century - 16th Century - Wind Instrument - History of Tudor Music - Information - Facts - Info - Era - Life - Entertainment - Tudors - Times - Life - History - Information - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Music - History - Information  - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Stringed and Keyboard - Wind Instrument - List - Sixteenth Century - 16th Century - History of Tudor Music - Information - Facts - Info - Era - Life - Entertainment - Tudors - Times - Life - History - Information - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Wind Instrument - Music - History - Information  - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Wind  - Wind  Instrument - List - Written By Linda Alchin

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